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Debunking Common Myths About Acne and Skin Care

Debunking Common Myths About Acne and Skin Care

Debunking Common Myths About Acne and Skin Care

Acne is an inflammatory disorder characterized by patches and pimples mostly occurring on the face, shoulders, back, neck, chest, and upper arm. Acne is manifested as whiteheads, zits, pimples, cysts, and lumps. Though acne appears at any age, it is very closely linked to puberty due to the hormonal activation of sebaceous glands. 

Common Myths About Acne

There are a lot of myths regarding acne on the internet. Knowing what is not true about acne is crucial. Let’s start by debunking a few of the most popular acne myths.

  • Myth 1: Only teens get acne: Acne doesn't differentiate based on age! Hormonal fluctuations, stress, and other causes can all cause unwanted blemishes, whether you're an adolescent or an adult. Acne does not discriminate against any age group; it can afflict people at any stage of life.
  • Myth 2: You must wash your face excessively: Do not believe in the old saying that you should wash your face more often to achieve success in treating acne. Washing one’s face twice daily to avoid exposing the skin to bacteria and dirt is usually advised but exceeding that may cause damage. However, over washing may flush away those natural oils that keep skin moisturized, leading to dryness and exacerbation of already troubled skin ; Disturbs the skin barrier and PH
  • Myth 3: Stress Causes Acne: While stress doesn't directly cause acne, it can exacerbate existing conditions. Stress affects hormones, which can cause or intensify acne flare-ups. Stress management is essential to general skin health.
  • Myth 4: Getting a Tan Clears, especially tanning oil and lotions : Contrary to popular opinion, extended sun exposure or tanning equipment can irritate the skin, leading to more acne. Furthermore, it raises the risk of skin cancer, emphasizing the significance of sun protection.
  • Myth 5: Toothpaste Clears Pimples: Using toothpaste as a pimple remedy is a myth. Fluorides in toothpaste can aggravate acne, and most household objects are harmful to the skin. For efficient and safe acne care, use proven spot treatments containing chemicals such as salicylic acid.
  • Myth 6: Exfoliate as much as possible: Contrary to common belief, severe exfoliation does not completely remove acne; nevertheless, excessive scrubbing might inflame the skin, worsening acne. Although gentle exfoliation is useful, aggressive methods might irritate.
  • Myth 7: Makeup causes acne: While makeup does not cause acne by itself, it can irritate the skin if the wrong products are applied. To avoid potential skin concerns, choose oil-free and lightweight foundations and ensure thorough makeup removal at night.

Tips for Managing Acne

Tips for managing acne include a combination of proper lifestyle, good skin care habits, and professional treatments. Given below are some effective tips to manage your acne. 

  • Minimal Makeup Use for Acne Care: Avoid using foundation, powder, or blush during a breakout. Remember to completely remove any type of makeup once the day ends. Avoid cosmetics that are oily.
  • Mindful Hair Care for Healthy Skin: Avoid scents, oils, pomades, or gels that may clog skin pores and create irritation if they come into contact with your face. Choose a gentle shampoo and conditioner, and wash your hair frequently, especially if you have outbreaks. If you have long hair, keep it away from your e to avoid more oil transfer. Prioritizing careful hair care helps to improve overall skin health.
  • Keep your face clean: Maintain a clean face by washing twice daily to eliminate impurities, dead skin cells, and excess oil. Washing excessively might be ineffective and even harmful. Use warm, not hot, water and a mild facial cleanser. Avoid harsh soaps as they dry the skin. A basic routine with gentle products guarantees effective washing without irritating the skin.
  • Moisturize: To fight the dryness caused by acne products, use a moisturizer. To avoid acne, choose a "non-comedogenic" product. These moisturizers are suitable for all skin types, including oily, dry, and combination skin. This phase ensures adequate hydration while minimizing acne-related dryness and peeling.
  • Hands-Free Skincare Rule: Avoid touching your face, propping  or resting your chin on your hands when caring for your skin. Touching your face might cause bacteria to spread and inflammation to develop. Refrain from picking or popping pimples with your fingers, since this can lead to infection and scars. Maintaining clear and healthy facial skin requires a hands-free technique.


Understanding how stress, nutrition, and makeup choices all contribute to acne allows people to make better choices. Individuals can manage their particular skincare needs by following the suggested guidelines, such as gentle washing, adequate moisturising, minimum makeup use, and thoughtful hair care.

Choose Gargash Hospital for skilled dermatological care if you have acne problems. Gargash Hospital provides personalized acne treatments with a dedicated team of experienced professionals and state-of-the-art facilities, assuring effective and comprehensive solutions customized to your skin's particular needs. Gargash Hospital is the place to start if you want better, healthier skin.